Monday, March 29, 2010

Making Homer proud

Sixty years ago, beer was advertised as the drink of choice for the discerning man.

"Beverage of Moderation", 1948
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Now you know. Beer is America's Beverage of Moderation.

Homer Simpson would be crying in joy at Moe's Tavern.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Doctors can be wrong

A doctor's recommendation can be very useful in advertising. Even for a product like cigarettes, with no known beneficial effects.

"Less Irritating", 1946
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Every case of irritation is cleared up. Or improved.
The medical authorities know this brand is good. Trust them. Smoke more.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Be fair to your hair

According to this piece, you get dandruff if your scalp is not fully awake.

"Wake up", 1946
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Fun. Restful. Etcetera. It's just a coincidence that 65 years later similar quacks are advertised in late-night TV. Some things never change.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Violet Ray is coming to you

Behold! For one dollar. The Violet Ray.

What? You've never heard of The Violet Ray? You kiddin' me?

The universal miracle cure for whooping cough, eye diseases, insomnia, lumbago and many, many more ailments of our modern way of life?

"Violet Ray", 1924
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The advertising industry in the interwar years had a tremendous role in the reach and popularity of all sorts of treatments, preparations and patented devices that belong to the realm of pseudomedicine and quackery. Probably the growing economy and the scientific advances of the time led many people to believe that anything that came out of a laboratory was good.

Some, like our Violet Ray here, have morphed into toys for Bondage and Submission, whilst others -like the toiletries with radioactive components, are outright dangeous and disappeared altogether after World War II.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Constipation kills

No shit kills. Serious.

"Constipation", 1924
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Love that ending - "BLAME YOURSELF if this message does not bring you Strength, Health and Happiness".

Monday, March 8, 2010

Wedding bells are ringing

Ever thought of what happens in the limousine just after the wedding is done?

"Mrs. Smith", 1934
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Of course - a well deserved cigarette! Until death do us apart.

PS: and what the hell is that policeman staring at with that lecherous smile? the groom?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a beautiful nose

Before plastic surgery, people used all kinds of wacky and painful treatments to get rid of their flaws. A big proportion of these were just scams and outright quacks.

"Your nose beautified", 1930
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And in the spirit of correctness and equality, we also found the male version of this contraption.

"A better looking nose", 1930
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Just think of their antics trying to take off the harnesses before a passionate kiss!

"Bow legs", 1930
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Bow legs? Don't treat them. Just create the illusion that your legs are straight.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Your sights are set on me

I really want to shake the hand of the adman that came up with this bizarre piece,

"Are your sights set...", 1959
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You mean black people go on dates toting shotguns -posing as old white people do- and they worry about their deodorant? I can think of the words patronizing and race-insensitive in the same sentence.

For crying out loud. I'm so relieved the sixties actually changed all that.