Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Glowing in the wind

The fifties were full of images of supersonic, futuristic and atomic regalia. Among all the fads and other ephemeral interests - who would have thought that amateur uranium hunting was so popular in the 1950's in the good old U.S.A?

This piece with "transistorized uranium finders" and "government cash bonuses" says it all - you buy amateur equipment, you stumble upon a rich uranium ore field and then you cash in the government bonus - easy.

It does not say anything at all about the nasty stuff; the fruitless weeks of rambling around the country waving a Geiger detector, the radiation poisoning or the long-term risk of leukemia.

Here's your chance to shine. Literally speaking.

"Uranium hunters", 1955
-click to enlarge-

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